ALTSTADT office for architecture
T +32 (0)2 828 01 64
T +32 (0)2 828 01 64
Kunstlaan 1-2 Avenue des Arts, bus 7
1210 Sint-Josse-ten-Noode, Brussels
1210 Sint-Josse-ten-Noode, Brussels

︎︎︎ Download︎ our yearbook, edition 2021
ALTSTADT is looking for an experienced architect (+5y). Dutch-speaking or French-speaking. Bilingualism is a plus. Interest in heritage or a heritage diploma is another plus. If interested, please send your portfolio to
We’re always interested in spontaneous applications.
Send your portfolio to

- Mar. 2024: Paradisopraat: “URA+ALTSTADT: Herbestemming als motor voor nieuwe stedelijkheid”, at the Thomas More Hogeschool, Mechelen.
- Sept. 2023: “Building Pedagogy” talk in Liège, about our project for the renovation of the ULiège faculty.
- Nov. 2022: Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst, about designing with heritage. Studio Like Bijlsma en Tim Peeters
- Jul. 2022: Gare Maritime visit with SO:Gent
- Jun. 2022: Seminar Brussels: A case study for the sustainable city. Invited by A+ arch@work
- Nov. 2021: “Ceci est une restauration”, Restauratie & Monumentenzorg UAntwerpen
- 2021: METRES CARRES lecture for bru:tecture - rewatch the lecture here
- 2021: ACROSS lezing for A+, 23/3/2021 - rewatch the lecture here
2020: TaDa toekomstatelier Workshop with Willem Jan Neutelings for children of Molenbeek at the Gare
2020: Arcadia Patrimoine Industriel Revisité Visite avec expert La Gare
- 2020:
Korei Trek erop uit in Brussel De Gare Maritime Tour &
- 2019: Archiweek. Guided visit to the Gare Maritime
2019: Impossible Talks. Roundtable at the start of the exposition “Impossible Design” Musee du
design ADAM Bruxelles
- 2019:
Book launch A+278 Geleide rondleiding in de Gare Maritime.
- 2019: Brussels Biënnale of Modern Architecture Architects' houses. Nieuw woonplezier in een 19dee Eeuws pand Raadstraat Elsene. met Evelyne Van Haverbeke
- 2018: Guest lecture BRU.S.L.XL studio @ Sint-Lucas Brussels
- 2018: Restauratie en Meesterschap. Lecture for Archipel, Filmplateau Ghent.
- 2017: Guest lecture on applications of concrete in restauration. University Hasselt, Faculty of architecture.
- 2016: Brussels Biennale of Modern Architecture.
2016: Brussels Biennale of Modern Architecture. Rondleiding door de Noord zuidverbinding, central
station en het RTT gebouw
- 2015: Seminar Circular Building Design, group Transform VUB.
- 2015: Lecture at architecture week, faculty of architeture at VUB Brussel
- 2014: Invited workshop regarding “Postwar building materials” by VUB / WTCB.
- 2014 Lecture at “I Am Architect”: on the project “Ieder Zijn Huis”.

Sept. 2023: “Building Pedagogy” exhibition in Liège, about our project for the renovation of the ULiège faculty.
- ACROSS exhibition - 8 offices, 8 perspectives - Mont des Arts, Brussels - 22.06.21 - 15.08.2021 - watch the interview here

- Gare Maritime in Umbau Architektur in Flandern.
- “Technique et esthétique”, article on the architecture of the National Bank of Belgium in M&L magazine Jan-Feb 2024.
- Interview in Revive magazine magazine
- Une visite du château de Falaën rénové dans Sabato Magazine, Feb 2023
- Our Sint-Andries project on
- A+ 303 On Campus: Designing Higher Education, for our projects for the Technicum in Ghent and the Caserne Fonck in Liège.
- “Op de Koffie bij ALTSTADT office for architecture” in Renoscripto 12/2022. Read the article here
- “L’Eglise Performante” in A+ 09/2022. Read the article here
- Detail 11/2021: BIM for Building Renovations: Gare Maritime in Brussels
- Gare Maritime in Info Steel (04/2020)
- “Gare Maritime (Neutelings Riedijk Architects – Jan de Moffarts architecten )” in A+ 278 Brussels (08/2019)
- “Speelse stadswoning” in De Standaard (07/2019)
- “Als de architect door het dak gaat” in De Standaard (01/2018)
- “Een herenhuis voor een lang en gelukkig leven” in De Standaard (09/2017)

- Dezeen Awards 2021 - Gare Maritime nominated in the category Rebirth Project
- Brussels Architecture Prize 2021 - shortlisted in category Major Intervention
- MIPIM Awards 2021 - laureate Special Jury Award for Gare Maritime
- Europa Nostra - European Heritage Award for Gare Maritime
Belgian Building Award - Utility for Gare Maritime
Honorable Mention - Belgian Building Award - Circular Building for Gare Maritime
First Prize - Belgian Timber Award (BTCA) - Non-residential for Gare Maritime
Nominated - Real Estate Society (RES) Award 2020 for Gare Maritime
Nominated - Mies Van der Rohe Award 2022 for Gare Maritime
First Prize - Most Innovative Heatpomp for Gare Maritime
- Finalist - ULI Europe Award for Excellence 2021 for Gare Maritime
... is the collaboration between Jan de Moffarts and Steven Bosmans, and as such the new name of JDMA. JDMA was founded by Jan de Moffarts in 2016, with the project for the restoration of the Gare Maritime at Tour & Taxis. Since 2018, he was joined by Steven Bosmans, one of the former principals at OFFICE KGDVS, as a conclusion of a period of occasional collaborations. Based in Brussels, they are working on diverse projects ranging from heritage reconversion to new construction.
As a collaboration and a studio, ALTSTADT seeks to combine a specific know-how in the restoration, reconversion and re-activation of historical buildings, with a skill, or perhaps obsession, for methodical and conceptually precise design. Heritage, as a built presence of the collective memory and therefore essentially public space, is a central theme but not a focus. The main ambition is making spatially precise, clear, and sensible projects, independent of the origins and scope of the project, with radicality and subtlety as alternating and mutually reinforcing intentions.
Within this framework ALTSTADT is working on projects and studies of all sizes and origins in Brussels and beyond, notably the restoration and extension of a historical rectory in Brussegem, a mixed-use industrial complex in Merchtem, the reorganisation of accesses to the Tour & Taxis park, the restoration of a castle near Namur, the reconversion of the Vynckiersite in Gent and the competitions for several cultural centres in Brussels. Collaborations with other practices, such as URA, OUEST, 51N4E, NU architectuuratelier, ORG PER MOD, OFFICE KGDVS,…, as well as with academic institutions such as KUL and VUB, are an essential part in the web of activities. In these ALTSTADT alternates between the roles of designer and advisor.
- Kasteel den Brandt - Renovation, Antwerp (BE). Under development, 2023 ...
- Sint-Andrieswijk - Reconversion, Antwerp (BE). Competition laureate. Under development, 2023 - ...
- Sint-Martinus - Reconversion, Kester (BE). Competition laureate. Under development, 2023 - ...
- WKO - Renovation, Brussels (BE). Under development, 2023 - ...
- Ancienne Belgique - Facade renovation, Brussels (BE). Under development, 2023 - ...
- Marie Thumas - Historic study, Leuven (BE). Complete, 2022-2023.
- Interescaut - Masterplan and reconversion study, Schelle (BE). Complete, 2022 - 2023.
- Kunstlaan 1 - Renovation, Brussels (BE). Complete, 2022 - 2023.
- De Munt - Renovation, Brussels (BE). Competition laureate. Under development, 2022 - ...
- ULiège - Renovation and extension, Liège (BE). Competition, 2022.
- CPASXL - Masterplan, reconversion, Ixelles (BE). Competition laureate. Under development, 2022 - ...
- Nyugati Station - Reconversion, Budapest (HUN). Competition, 2022.
- Technicum - Renovation and extension, Ghent (BE). Competition, 2022.
- Xaveriuskerk - Renovation and conversion, Anderlecht (BE). Studies, 2021 - ...
- Atlas Brewery - Historic study, Anderlecht (BE). Complete, 2021.
- Dry Docks - Masterplan, Antwerpen (BE). Competition, 2021.
- Movy Club - Renovation and extension, Forest (BE). Competition, 2021.
- Bains de Bruxelles - Renovation, Brussels (BE). Competition, 2021.
- Sint-Audomaruskerk - Renovation and extension, Bissegem (BE). Competition, 2021.
- Rue de la Cigogne - Renovation and conversion, Brussels (BE). Permit, 2021 - ...
- Pastorie Perk - Renovation and conversion, Perk (BE). Studies complete, 2020 - 2021.
- Waterfordstraat - Renovation, Antwerpen (BE). Tender, 2021 - ...
- Citadel van Diest - Masterplan, Diest (BE). Complete, 2021
- Sint Martinuskerk - Conversion, Burcht (BE). Competition, 2021
- Aarlen Trier - Renovation & Extension, Brussels (BE). Competition, 2021
- De Roovere Machtens – Feasibility study, Brussels (BE). Competition, 2020
- Hotel de Famille – Renovation project, Leuven (BE). Under development, 2020 - …
- Vynckier – Historical study & project, Ghent (BE). Under development, 2020 - …
- Falaen Castle – Renovation project, Falaen (BE). Permit, 2020 - …
- Recyrque – Reconversion, Brussels (BE). Competition, 2020
- National Bank – Historical & feasibility study, Brussels (BE). Completed, 2019 - 2020
- Maison des Amis – Refurbishment project, Overijse (BE). Project, 2019
- Boiler Room – Renovation & extension, Meise (BE). Competition, 2020
- Castle & Farmhouse – Renovation & extension, Meise (BE). Competition, 1st Prize, 2020 ...
- Botanique – Refurbishment, Brussels (BE). Competition, 2020
- Brouckere – Historical study & valuation, Brussels (BE). Completed, 2019
- Bollinckx Bridges – Bridge renovation, Anderlecht (BE). Competition, 2020 - …
- Maison du Peuple – Community centre, Anderlecht (BE). Competition, 2020
- Terrace – Reconversion, Brussels (BE). Under development, 2019 - …
- Alden Biesen – Feasibility study, Alden Biesen (BE). Completed, 2019 - 2020
- House Tienen – House renovation, Tienen (BE). Under development, 2019 - …
- Kaaitheater – Theatre transformation, Brussels (BE). Competition, 2019
- Maison Mosane – Reconversion, Namur (BE). Project, 2019
- Initiatiefplein – Housing complex renovation, Sint-Agatha-Berchem (BE). Competition, 2018 - 2019
- Hangar Siccard – Mixed-use project, Merchtem (BE). Under development, 2018 - …
- Park Access Jubilé – Public infrastructure project, Brussels (BE). Competition, 1st Prize, Under Development, 2018 - …
- Kunstacademie Zwevegem – New academy project, Zwevegem (BE). Competition, 1st Prize, 2018
- Haachtsesteenweg – House renovation, Brussels (BE). Built, 2018 - 2020
- Rectory & Pavilion – Restauration & extension, Merchtem (BE). Under construction, 2018 - …
- Fonds der letteren – Transformation & extension, Antwerp (BE). Competition, 2018
- World Trade Centre – Historical study, Brussels (BE). Completed, 2018
- Floralies – Reconversion, Ghent (BE). Competition, 1st Prize, Under Development, 2018 - …
- Belvedere Koekelberg – House transformation, Brussels (BE). Under development, 2017 - …
- Cadixklooster – Historical Study, Mechelen (BE). Competition, 2017
- Stepped house – House transformation, Leuven (BE). Built, 2015 - 2020
- Aigle – Residential renovation, Brussels (BE). Under construction, 2018 - …
- Hill House – Free-standing house, Duisburg (BE). Built, 2010 - 2012
- Design Museum – Extension, Ghent (BE). Competition, 2018
- Victor Boin – Restauration, Brussels (BE). Competition, 2017
- Zeewezengebouw – Reconversion, Ostend (BE). Competition, 2017
- Kanal Centre Pompidou – Reconversion, Brussels (BE). Competition, 2018
- Violin studio – Reconversion, Brussels (BE). Built
- Blink – Renovation, Leuven (BE). Built, 2016 - 2018
- Hotel de la Poste – Reconversion, Brussels (BE). Built, 2016 - 2019
- Gare Maritime – Renovation, Brussels (BE). Built, 2016 - 2020
- Escherhouse – House transformation, Brussels (BE). Built, 2015 - 2019
- Het Schip – Restauration & reconversion, Hoegaarden (BE). Built, 2014 - 2019
- Garden house – Renovation & extension, Leuven (BE). Built, 2014 - 2017

Jan de Moffarts
ir architect
+32 486 88 53 36
Steven Bosmans
ir architect
+32 486 10 47 00
Jan de Moffarts (°1980) studied architecture at Ghent University and then specialised in urban planning at KULeuven. He started his career at Stéphane Beel in Ghent in 2005, and then worked as a project manager at Origin Architecture & Engineering. In 2016, he started his own practice JDMA with the Gare Maritieme project on the Tour&Taxis site. Jan de Moffarts has been a practitioner at VUB and KULeuven and the Sint Lucas Institute in Brussels and Ghent and is a welcome guest on juries and guest lectures. Jan de Moffarts is a member of the Royal Commission for Monuments and Sites in the Brussels-Capital Region and a director for Renovas.
Steven Bosmans (°1983) studied architecture and urban design at the University of Ghent. Between 2007 and 2018 he was one of the principals at OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen, where he was responsible for various projects of all sizes. In 2018 he joined forces with Jan de Moffarts. He teaches architectural design at the UGent.
Michael Langeder
M. Arch
Clément Guérard-Ortelli
M. Arch
Zeynep Topcu
M. Arch
Elisabeth De Clercq
M. Arch
Griet Bronselaer
M. Arch, M.Sc Conservation of Monuments
Jascha Moors
Willem Willems
Tom Van Genechten
Vinny Elzewijck
M.Arch, M.Sc Conservation of Monuments
Louise Blancquaert
Former collaborators
Ivana Vasilijevic
Phaedra Berkvens
Albertina De Pelsmacker
Thibaut Boidin
Kjell Keymolen
Rutger Vanhoef
Karen Vannieuwenhuyze
Renata Radovanovic
Marie Porrez
Clémence Marchal
Fatme Hassan
Nadia Buelli
Tristan Leduc
Gabriel Vives
Maria Lahni
Dilara Tuygar